Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear God,
Sometimes I get so caught up in the plans I have, even the plans you have for me, that I don't take the time to sit back and ponder and actually listen to what you have to say to me God. Sometimes, I know you love it, but I do a lot of the talking. Tonight I slowed down and listened Lord, you gave me the signs that you had something to say. All the work I've done being a sacrifice in your name at Workcrew this August flashed before my mind. It never really set in how much of an eternal impact we had that month over the world. I said this before that my mind cannot supply the words adequate to describe what happened and how I feel, only the depths of my heart, Your heart, can describe the events that have taken place. Father thank you that I am so blessed, you've set onto me and my brothers a task to help change this world one person at a time. As the song says God "My life is not my own, to you I belong, I give myself to you". I crave that intimacy with you my God, and I want everyone else in it with me! If words on paper could yell, this would be screaming your name, a plea for the courage to do your will. I love how casual I can be with you, I just like kickin it with you sometimes and watch the world spin. I'll write again soon, but talk to you before then.


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